
Common programming mistakes in Liferay – GPT generated

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Common programming mistakes in Liferay often stem from overlooking best practices in both Liferay-specific and general Java development. Some of these mistakes include:

1. Ignoring Liferay’s MVC Framework: Developers sometimes bypass Liferay’s built-in MVC framework for portlets, which can lead to more complex code and maintenance issues. Using Liferay’s MVC framework ensures better integration and easier upgrades.

2. Not Utilizing Service Builder Effectively: Service Builder is a key tool in Liferay for creating persistence layers. Neglecting its use or misusing it can result in inefficient database operations and difficulties in leveraging Liferay’s service-layer capabilities.

3. Hardcoding Configuration Values: Hardcoding values like file paths, URLs, or configuration settings in the code makes the portlet less flexible and more difficult to manage across different environments.

4. Overlooking Permissions and Security: Failing to properly implement permission checks can lead to security vulnerabilities. It’s crucial to use Liferay’s permission framework to control access to different parts of your application.

5. Poor Resource Cleanup: Not properly releasing resources such as database connections, streams, or temporary files can lead to memory leaks and performance issues.

6. Mismanagement of Liferay Contexts: Misunderstanding the differences between the global, site, group, and user contexts can lead to incorrect data handling and display.

7. Inefficient Use of Liferay API: Overusing or misusing Liferay’s API, such as making unnecessary calls to services or using them inappropriately, can lead to performance bottlenecks.

8. Not Adhering to Modularization: Ignoring Liferay’s modularization, especially with OSGi, can lead to tangled dependencies and challenges in maintaining and upgrading applications.

9. Ignoring Front-End Performance: Neglecting front-end performance, like overloading pages with unnecessary scripts or heavy resources, can degrade user experience.

10. Lack of Error Handling: Insufficient error handling and logging can make it difficult to troubleshoot and resolve issues in production.

Avoiding these mistakes involves a deep understanding of Liferay’s frameworks and best practices in Java web development. Regular code reviews, adhering to coding standards, and continuous learning about Liferay’s features are key to minimizing these common errors.

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