Category Archives: Software Delivery

Productivity hacks for Architects / Designers / Tech Leads

As per my experience, the biggest productivity hacks for Architects / Designers / Tech Leads are not to decide the variables / class names / loops / scope / data types / exception handling / object relational mapping & so on – they definitely are important and should be done, but so are the below points:

1. Design patterns

2. What is the code for?

3. Functional to technical mapping

4. Solution creation

5. Pseudocode & logic steps

6. Logic of solution for design / programming problems

7. Co-ordination with stakeholders & communication

8. Code review

9. Logic review of programmed modules

10. Architecture / Design thoughts

11. Knowledge updation around tools / products / frameworks usage

12. Time management of developers

13. Task management of developers

14. Solving problems in design

15. Programming standards management

16. Technical best practices management

17. New technology exploration

18. Helping sales, presales & practice

19. Working on POCs, solutions, products and accelerators

20. Updating oneself with the current happening in industry and domain

21. Automation, Security, Testing, Deployment, Continuous integration / deployment, Integrations, Logging, User Interface / User Experience, Application monitoring, Support structure, Clustering / Auto-scaling, Non functional requirements and other such important areas

22. Establish collaboration / teamwork among technical staff working with them

23. Right documentation and knowledge sharing practices

Many get stuck in only programming, that is definitely something we all love and do, but you should be dividing your time as an Architect / Tech Lead / Designer between programming and above tasks equally. Current enterprise softwares are complex and you can’t achieve much without collaboration and above form an important link for productivity in complex, large team projects.

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Continuous interaction and collaboration rather than fixed time and schedule meetings

Working over the years in the Information Technology industry I have learned that face to face interactions lead to success in delivery and innovation which are the important areas in this industry.

But this is the result of imperfect interactions from a distance. For this let us analyze what is a successful interaction:

  1. Successful interactions for good delivery and innovation are continuous in nature and not just fixed hours per week/day/month
  2. If we restrict ourselves to a very fixed schedule say every week or month we come with a very specific preset agenda and miss out on human emotions, behaviors, motivations and so on which also have a big role in success for delivery and innovation
  3. Face to face meetings add on top of the set agenda an aura of informal interactions around friendship, relationship, behaviors, emotions, motivation, what we like / dislike, etc.

To augment this from offshore for countries like USA & Europe and remove the disconnect better way would be to have continuous interaction.

Connect boardrooms, developer areas, testing team rooms, agile rooms, finance rooms, operations room via video conferencing and audio with a view of full team and area on live and continuous basis. Once you do that you remove the fixed agendas and schedules of meetings which cut out the soft side of human behavior, etc. which is only visible in a face to face conversation. This disconnect of fixed schedules and fixed time meetings can be overcome by continuous interactions. We already have continuous integration for delivery teams and AGILE as a model for delivery. Taking it to the next level would be continuous interaction between offshore and onsite.