Category Archives: Elasticsearch

Search related techno-functional tips – Part 1

  • We can search a lot of things using Elasticsearch / SOLR or similar appliances by Google etc. but we can’t load everything in memory generally. It will simply overwhelm the heap and the processing engine with lot of calculations depending on type of system.
  • That necessitates us to device proper UX / UI with below points:
  • Filter by timeline sliders.
  • Use lazy loading from backend where possible.
  • Restrict background results so that front end system is not overwhelmed.
  • Give advanced filtering capabilities by date, time, topic, NLP / semantic search, AI prompting and so on.
  • Be careful of ASC / DESC sorting and deep pagination.
  • Focus on boosting / accuracy / indexing / relevance / shards / full text search / caching / top queries / optimizations / categorization-based search / metrics measurement / relevance / privacy / security and so on.
  • What is important is to search everything but not return everything.
  • Search should be as specific as possible.
  • If you want all results in a return result, then search is not the optimal solution, better work with caching / DB / in-memory products / etc.
  • Email me:
  • Website:
  • Blog:
  • LinkedIn: Neil Harwani | LinkedIn

How do I fine tune my ElasticSearch when it’s slow – ChatGPT & BARD generated

ChatGPT – Fine-tuning an Elasticsearch cluster to address performance issues involves several steps. Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine, but it requires careful tuning to achieve optimal performance, especially in environments with large amounts of data or high query volumes. Here are some general guidelines to help you fine-tune your Elasticsearch cluster:

### 1. Assess Your Cluster’s Health and Configuration

Check Cluster Health: Use the GET /_cluster/health API to check the cluster’s health status. Look for any red or yellow indicators.

Review Configuration Files: Examine elasticsearch.yml for any misconfigurations or suboptimal settings.

### 2. Hardware and Resource Allocation

Memory Allocation: Ensure that the heap size is properly set. Typically, it’s recommended to allocate no more than 50% of available memory to Elasticsearch.

CPU and Memory Resources: Make sure your nodes have adequate CPU and memory resources.

Disk I/O and Type: Use SSDs for faster I/O performance. Monitor disk I/O usage to identify bottlenecks.

### 3. Index Management

Shard Sizing and Count: Having too many or too few shards can affect performance. Adjust the number of shards per index based on data volume and usage.

Index Mappings: Use appropriate mappings. Avoid using dynamic mappings for large clusters.

Index Templates: Use index templates for consistent mappings.

### 4. Query Optimization

Analyze Slow Queries: Use the Slow Log Query to identify and analyze slow queries.

Optimize Query Structure: Simplify and optimize the structure of your queries.

### 5. Cluster Scaling

Horizontal Scaling: Add more nodes to the cluster if the current nodes are overloaded.

Vertical Scaling: Increase the resources (CPU, RAM, storage) of the existing nodes.

### 6. Caching and Buffer Sizes

Field Data Cache: Adjust the field data cache size if you’re using a lot of aggregations.

Request and Query Cache: Fine-tune request and query caching settings to optimize performance.

### 7. Garbage Collection Tuning

Monitor GC Performance: Use monitoring tools to watch for excessive garbage collection.

Tune GC Settings: Adjust garbage collection settings if needed to reduce pause times.

### 8. Networking and Thread Pools

Thread Pool Sizes: Customize thread pool sizes based on your cluster’s workload.

Network Configuration: Ensure optimal network configuration and bandwidth.

### 9. Monitoring and Logging

Enable Monitoring: Use Elasticsearch’s monitoring features or external tools to keep an eye on cluster performance and resource usage.

Log Analysis: Regularly review logs for warnings or errors that could indicate problems.

### 10. Regular Maintenance

Routine Checks: Regularly update your indices, perform health checks, and rebalance shards as necessary.

Snapshot and Backup: Regularly backup your cluster’s data.

### Additional Tips

Test Changes in a Staging Environment: Always test configuration changes in a non-production environment first.

Stay Updated: Keep your Elasticsearch version up-to-date with the latest stable releases.

Professional Assistance: Consider seeking help from Elasticsearch consultants or support for complex environments.

Remember, tuning Elasticsearch is often specific to your use case and data. It’s important to understand the nature of your data and queries when making adjustments. Regular monitoring and incremental changes are key to maintaining optimal performance.

BARD – Here are key steps to fine-tune your Elasticsearch cluster for performance:

1. Identify the Bottleneck:

  • Analyze Cluster Metrics: Use _nodes/stats, _cluster/health, and _cluster/stats APIs to collect information about CPU, memory, I/O, and query performance.
  • Review Logs: Check for errors, warnings, or unusual patterns in Elasticsearch logs.

2. Optimize Hardware and Resources:

  • CPU: Ensure sufficient processing power for your workload. Consider vertical scaling (more powerful nodes) or horizontal scaling (adding nodes).
  • Memory: Heap Size: Allocate enough memory for the JVM heap, typically 50% of available RAM. Filesystem Cache: Leave ample memory for the OS filesystem cache, around 40-50% of available RAM.
  • Storage: Use fast storage devices (SSDs) for better indexing and search performance.

3. Adjust Sharding and Replica Settings:

  • Shard Count: Balance the number of shards for optimal performance. Too many shards can lead to overhead, while too few can limit parallelism.
  • Replicas: Adjust replica count based on your availability and performance needs. More replicas can increase read performance but also consume more resources.

4. Optimize Indexing and Search:

  • Indexing: Bulk Requests: Use bulk requests to batch indexing operations for efficiency. Refresh Interval: Adjust the refresh interval to control how often new documents become searchable. Disable Replicas for Initial Loads: Temporarily disable replicas during bulk indexing to reduce overhead.
  • Search: Document Modeling: Optimize document structure and mappings for frequent search patterns. Query Optimization: Use filters, aggregations, and scoring strategically to minimize query complexity. Caching: Leverage caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data.

5. Monitor and Maintain:

  • Regular Monitoring: Track key performance metrics to identify issues early.
  • Warm Up Indices: Preload frequently queried data for faster response times.
  • Force Merge: Combine smaller segments into larger ones for efficient storage and retrieval.

Additional Considerations:

  • Node Separation: Separate master and data nodes for better resource allocation.
  • Cross-Cluster Replication: Use for high availability and disaster recovery without impacting primary cluster performance.
  • Hardware Upgrades: Consider upgrading hardware for significant performance gains.

Remember: Fine-tuning Elasticsearch is an ongoing process. Experiment with different settings and monitor their impact to achieve optimal performance for your specific workload.