Category Archives: Glowroot

How to run Glowroot in containers for a Java application? Auto generated using GPT

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Running Glowroot on containers, specifically within Docker containers, involves setting up the Glowroot agent to monitor Java applications. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

1. Get the Glowroot Agent:

– First, download the Glowroot agent from the [official Glowroot repository](

– You can download the .zip file of the latest release.

2. Create a Dockerfile for Your Java Application:

– Ensure you have a Dockerfile for your Java application. This Dockerfile will be modified to include the Glowroot agent.

– Here’s an example snippet to include Glowroot in a Dockerfile:


# Use an official Java runtime as a parent image

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine

# Set the working directory in the container

WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /usr/src/myapp

COPY . /usr/src/myapp

# Copy Glowroot agent

COPY path/to/glowroot /usr/glowroot

# Make port available to the world outside this container


# Define environment variable


# Run the application

CMD java $JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/usr/glowroot/glowroot.jar -jar your-app.jar


– Replace path/to/glowroot with the path where you have the Glowroot agent and your-app.jar with your application’s jar file name.

3. Build and Run Your Docker Container:

– Build your Docker image using the command docker build -t your-app-name ..

– Run your Docker container using docker run -p 8080:8080 your-app-name.

4. Access Glowroot UI:

– By default, Glowroot opens on port 4000. If your container is running on your local machine, you can access the Glowroot UI at http://localhost:4000.

– In a production environment, ensure to configure the networking appropriately to access the Glowroot UI.

5. Configure Glowroot (Optional):

– You can configure Glowroot settings by modifying the glowroot.admin.json or through the UI.

– Make sure to set up appropriate security settings, especially if your Glowroot UI is exposed to the internet.

6. Persist Glowroot Data (Optional):

– To persist the data collected by Glowroot, consider mounting a volume to the Glowroot directory in the container. This can be done by adding a volume in your Docker run command like -v your-local-glowroot-dir:/usr/glowroot.

7. Security Considerations:

– Ensure that the Glowroot UI is secure, especially if exposed on the internet. Implement appropriate authentication and access controls.

This setup allows Glowroot to monitor your Java application running inside a Docker container, giving you insights into performance and potential issues.

For more detailed and specific configurations, it’s advisable to consult the [Glowroot documentation]( and the Docker documentation relevant to your specific setup.

If you need further assistance or have more complex requirements, feel free to reach out to me at, visit my blog at, check my website, or connect with me on LinkedIn at