List of tools for debugging and profiling OpenJDK & Databases – BARD generated – Part 1

Here’s a list of tools you can use with OpenJDK for debugging and profiling, along with their key features and some visual examples:

Debugging Tools:

  • Java VisualVM:Built-in tool, included with OpenJDK. Monitors memory usage, CPU threads, and garbage collection. Profiles application performance. Captures and analyzes thread dumps. Java VisualVM screenshot:
  • JDB (Java Debugger):Command-line debugger included with OpenJDK. Sets breakpoints, inspects variables, and steps through code. JDB command-line debugger screenshot:
  • JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol):Enables remote debugging with tools like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio Code. Attaches to running JVM processes.

Profiling Tools:

  • Java Flight Recorder (JFR):Built-in profiling tool in OpenJDK 7 and later. Records low-level JVM events for detailed performance analysis. Visualized using Java Mission Control (JMC). Java Mission Control with Flight Recorder data:
  • JProfiler:Commercial profiler with advanced features for memory, CPU, threads, and lock analysis. Identifies performance bottlenecks and memory leaks. JProfiler screenshot:
  • YourKit Java Profiler:Another commercial profiler with similar features to JProfiler. Offers deep code analysis and memory optimization. YourKit Java Profiler screenshot:

Additional Tools:

  • JMC (Java Mission Control): Analyzes JFR recordings for troubleshooting and optimization.
  • Async Profiler: Open-source profiler for asynchronous and concurrent applications.
  • BTrace: Dynamic instrumentation tool for runtime analysis without code modification.

Choosing the Right Tool:

The best tool depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors like:

  • Ease of use: Do you prefer a visual interface or command-line tools?
  • Features: What specific debugging or profiling capabilities are you looking for?
  • Integration: Does the tool integrate with your development environment?
  • Cost: Are you willing to pay for a commercial tool, or do you prefer open-source options?

These are all small but powerful command-line tools included in the OpenJDK that can be incredibly useful for debugging and profiling Java applications. They each have their own specific functionality:


  • Captures a thread dump of the Java application, showing the state of each thread and what it’s currently doing. This is extremely helpful for diagnosing deadlocks, slowdowns, and other thread-related issues.
  • Example: jstack <pid> – where <pid> is the process ID of your Java application.


  • Provides information about the heap memory usage of your application. It can show you the overall memory consumed, how it’s distributed among different object types, and even generate heap dumps for further analysis.
  • Example: jmap -histo <pid> – generates a histogram of object types in the heap.


  • Analyzes heap dumps generated by jmap or other tools, allowing you to explore the objects in the heap in detail. You can see how objects are linked together, identify potential memory leaks, and investigate object allocations.
  • Example: jhat <heap_dump_file> – opens the heap dump file in the JHAT graphical user interface.


  • Prints various runtime statistics of your Java application, including things like CPU usage, garbage collection activity, and class loading information. This can be helpful for monitoring performance and identifying potential bottlenecks.
  • Example: jstat -gccapacity <pid> – displays the capacities of different generations in the garbage collector.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Tool Functionality Use Cases

jstack Thread dump capture Diagnose deadlocks, slowdowns, thread issues

jmap Heap memory analysis Investigate memory usage, generate heap dumps

jhat Heap dump analysis Identify memory leaks, analyze object allocations

jstat Runtime statistics Monitor performance, identify bottlenecks


  • These tools are command-line based, so some familiarity with the command line is helpful.
  • You can find more information about each tool by running jstack -h, jmap -h, jhat -h, and jstat -h for their respective help manuals.
  • Combining these tools together can be powerful for comprehensive debugging and profiling. For example, you can use jstat to monitor performance, then use jmap to generate a heap dump if you see high memory usage, and then analyze the dump with jhat to identify the cause.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Here are some key tools for RDBMS debugging and profiling, categorized by their functions:

Database-Specific Tools:

  • SQL Server: SQL Server Profiler: Captures events and traces for performance analysis. Database Engine Tuning Advisor: Recommends indexes and statistics for optimization. Extended Events: Advanced tracing framework for detailed monitoring.
  • Oracle: Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM): Comprehensive monitoring and management console. Automatic Workload Repository (AWR): Collects performance statistics for analysis. SQL Trace and TKPROF: Tools for tracing SQL execution and analyzing performance.
  • MySQL: MySQL Workbench: GUI for managing and profiling MySQL instances. Performance Schema: Built-in instrumentation for collecting performance data. SHOW PROFILE and SHOW STATUS: Statements for viewing query execution details.
  • PostgreSQL: pgAdmin: GUI for managing and profiling PostgreSQL instances. EXPLAIN ANALYZE: Statement for analyzing query execution plans. pg_stat_statements: Extension for tracking execution statistics of SQL statements.

Third-Party Tools:

  • Datadog: Cloud-based monitoring platform for various databases.
  • New Relic: Application performance monitoring with database insights.
  • AppDynamics: Application performance management with database monitoring.
  • Nagios: Open-source monitoring system with database plugins.
  • Zabbix: Open-source monitoring system with database monitoring capabilities.

General-Purpose Tools:

  • Wireshark: Network protocol analyzer for capturing and inspecting database traffic.
  • tcpdump: Command-line tool for capturing network packets, including database traffic.

Key Considerations for Choosing Tools:

  • Database platform: Ensure compatibility with your specific RDBMS.
  • Features: Identify the debugging and profiling capabilities you need.
  • Ease of use: Consider the tool’s interface and learning curve.
  • Integration: Assess how well it integrates with your existing tools and workflows.
  • Cost: Evaluate pricing models for commercial tools versus open-source options.

What commands & tools can we use to debug a computer network? – Part 1 – Autogenerated by GPT

Auto-generated by GPT:

To debug computer networks, there are several key commands you can use. These commands are essential for diagnosing and resolving network issues. Here’s a list of common network debugging commands and their purposes:

1. Ping:

Usage: ping [hostname/IP address]

Purpose: Tests connectivity to another IP host. It helps in determining if a host is reachable.

2. Traceroute (tracert on Windows):

Usage: traceroute [hostname/IP address] (Linux/Unix/MacOS), tracert [hostname/IP address] (Windows)

Purpose: Shows the path packets take to reach a host and identifies where problems are occurring in the network.

3. Ipconfig (Windows) / ifconfig (Linux/Unix/MacOS):

Usage: ipconfig (Windows), ifconfig (Linux/Unix/MacOS)

Purpose: Displays network configuration details such as IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and more.

4. Nslookup:

Usage: nslookup [hostname]

Purpose: Queries Domain Name System (DNS) servers to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.

5. Netstat:

Usage: netstat [-options]

Purpose: Shows network statistics, active connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.

6. Tcpdump (Linux/Unix/MacOS):

Usage: tcpdump [options]

Purpose: A network packet analyzer that captures and displays TCP/IP and other packets being transmitted or received over the network.

7. Pathping (Windows):

Usage: pathping [hostname/IP address]

Purpose: Combines the functionality of ‘ping’ and ‘tracert’. It shows the route to a host and gives statistics on packet loss.

8. Arp:

Usage: arp -a

Purpose: Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

9. Route:

Usage: route [-options]

Purpose: Displays and modifies the IP routing table.

10. Ip (Linux/Unix/MacOS):

Usage: ip [options]

Purpose: A versatile command used to configure network interfaces, routing, and tunnels.

Remember to run these commands with appropriate privileges (e.g., using ‘sudo’ on Linux/Unix/MacOS for some commands). Also, the availability and syntax of these commands may vary slightly depending on the operating system.

For more in-depth tutorials and guides on using these commands, visit our blog at If you have specific queries or need personalized assistance, feel free to reach out at Additionally, our LinkedIn page offers a wealth of information on these and other technology topics.


When it comes to debugging network issues, a variety of tools are available that cater to different aspects of network analysis and troubleshooting. Here’s a list of commonly used network debugging tools:

1. Wireshark:

Description: A powerful network protocol analyzer that lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network.

Use Case: Analyzing network problems, software and protocol development, and education.

2. Ping:

Description: A basic utility that tests connectivity between two network nodes.

Use Case: Checking the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

3. Traceroute (tracert on Windows):

Description: A utility that traces the path of packets over an IP network.

Use Case: Identifying the path and measuring transit delays of packets across a network.

4. Nmap:

Description: A network scanning tool used to discover devices running on a network and the services they are offering.

Use Case: Network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime.

5. Tcpdump:

Description: A command-line packet analyzer tool.

Use Case: Capturing and analyzing network traffic.

6. Netstat:

Description: A utility that displays network connections, routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics.

Use Case: Identifying open ports and active connections.

7. Nslookup/Dig:

Description: Command-line tools used for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.

Use Case: Troubleshooting DNS problems.

8. Pathping (Windows):

Description: A network utility that provides the functionality of both ‘ping’ and ‘traceroute’.

Use Case: Diagnosing network path issues.

9. Nessus/Tenable:

Description: A remote security scanning tool.

Use Case: Vulnerability scanning and identifying network security issues.

10. Speedtest (by Ookla):

Description: An internet speed testing tool.

Use Case: Testing the speed of internet connectivity.

11. MTR (My Traceroute):

Description: Combines the functionality of ‘traceroute’ and ‘ping’ into one tool.

Use Case: Real-time diagnostics of network quality and performance issues.

12. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor:

Description: A comprehensive network performance monitoring tool.

Use Case: Monitoring and managing network device performance, and troubleshooting.

Each of these tools has its own strengths and is suited for different types of network analysis tasks. Choosing the right tool often depends on the specific requirements of the network issue you are facing.

For more details on these tools and guidance on network troubleshooting, you can visit our website, or for more personalized advice, you can email at Additionally, our blog at and our LinkedIn profile at offer a wealth of information on network troubleshooting techniques and tools.