Balanced software architecture

Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges of climate change, violence, wars, diseases, etc. One of the reasons is development not in unison with universal rules and facts.

In physics there are fundamental forces around gravity, atom, electricity, fusion/fission, energy, thermodynamics, quantum, etc. All physical things are quantified using mathematics. If our development is in unison with these mathematical quantities they will last longer due to less friction with forces around us. Article here also proposes two numbers of physics: Two numbers that could end physics which keep the balance in universe.

Rather than doing inventions to beat these numbers, let’s develop with them. Rather than finding ways to build bigger than cosmic force things let’s go with them. E.g. solar sail to travel in space.

Same way while building software and technology based systems build things in unison with its surroundings using mathematics. Adjust, don’t fight and prove you are stronger. Most likely you will last longer. It’s about adaptability and working in unison with the higher forces. Merge, adapt, use mathematical models to work in sync with surroundings not against them.

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