Race to be leaner, lighter, faster – limits will hit us

Whether jet engines, aircrafts, IT outsourcing, manufacturing or services there is a race to be leaner, faster, better, higher quality, etc with lesser resources – humans or machines or steel or fibre. In itself its an oxymoron or irony though not always. It actually stops innovation at times.

Let us look how:
Innovation and peak performance happens when a system/entity (human or machine) works at optimum load. Pressure equals force divided by area. If you decrease the area, pressure increases. It causes more stress per unit area. Whether new entity can tolerate it now due to advances is a different stream of research but definitely stress per unit area is increasing. For aircrafts its pressure or stress per unit weight, for humans its stress per person as its assumed people will work with higher efficiency in lean/agile mode.

A fundamental rule which we ignore here is that systems/entities/people will work optimally within evolutionary biology/theoretical physics limits only. We can’t change them. Like if you want to occupy an area you need specific number of people/police/army/robots, this rule doesn’t change. You can augment this by technology but can’t change rules 100%. Extrapolate to innovation/optimum peak performance, its not possible always to be more and more lean, lighter, faster and get better quality and innovation. We need to follow nature’s limits, nothing goes faster than light in this universe.

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