Category Archives: Education

Do educational institutes fulfill their obligation to supply proper workforce?

This question is negatively answered for most of the institutes across the globe. India is not an exception.

There is wide gap in the skills required by the industry vis-à-vis supplied by educational institutes. Over 75 per cent graduates are not employable.

What are the reasons for this gap, quantum and the nature of gap? It is observed that there is no link between the institutes and industry. Institutes are lagging to industry. Industry is actively working to beat the competition and hence brings innovations in the products, processes, strategies, business models and techniques.

Industry creates knowledge through research; it uses research in real life to solve problems. Industry pays for solving problems, this
motivates employee to perform. It is a question of survival and growth for industry and employee.

Institutes are designing curricula based on what has happened in the industry, rather than what will happen in the industry or market. Institutes have very narrow focus while they teach students. They are governed by rules rather than reality. The curriculum focuses on prescribed and sink knowledge.

Industry requires dynamism. Institutes teach to solve existing problems. Industry requires people who can solve new problems. Teacher and students’ performance is measured on wrong calibration of examinations.

Examination systems are built to test memories rather than ability to solve real life problems. Subject knowledge is imparted in isolation.

A good student may be capable to solve a problem in isolation, but real life situation in industry is complex; and hardly in isolation.  Real life problems are complex, dynamic and resolved through team work. Students are prepared and tested in isolation.

Team work and communication in industry is typical and sine-qua-non for success in industry. Education institutes fail to realize and gauge this problem.